Friday, March 31, 2017

liberal is the antonym of fascist

                  beautiful freya pintarest

albany ( saratoga ) class compares trump to...

                       "hello from venus"

trumps uncle got teslas plans after tesla was allegedly murdered by otto skorzney & reinhart gehlen during ww2

the frey effect was invented near albany at ithaca ny g e and cornell university

the germans called their microwave program freya after the mythological norse goddess

trumpf laser was a nazi defense corp became a u s defense corp during reagans sdi program

reagan switched from good lib to fascist in 1952 when he began working for g e ( in 1954 ? ) and married nancy the adopted daughter of neofascist / arch conservative oss brain surgeon loyal davis

                 nancy s mom edith luckett

why do i appear to have to keep repeating this to you all if you are not  being thought controlled ?

edith and nancy s bio dad were married at the robert frost gravestone at bennington s old first church ?

it gets better too

nancy s bio father was from pittsfield mass where trump s uncle john trump s daughter lives now

trumps cousin went to mit where she met her husband who worked at the pittsfield g e

vannevar bush also worked at the pittsfield mass g e and raytheon means gods ray


                  mysteries of venus store

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