Tuesday, April 25, 2017

point guard

So I found out something neat about Brodie Ski Area in New Ashford that I believe is OK to tell now.

Tho in conjunction with something else I once told, might be unsafe to tell.

Since hell is coming anyway I will just tell it.

In the 1970s I used to wake up at 2:00-3:00 AM hearing this big ass truck going south on Water Street / Green River Rd.

It was going about 2 MPH.

Because dad was a police dispatcher he told me it was the nuclear waste truck from Rowe Yankee.

But all these years I wondered why it would go down Green River Rd.

As far as we knew studying environmental science in the 1980+1990s was there was no place to store spent nuclear fuel safely.

The old Wiscasset nuclear plant in Maine still has it's nuclear waste stored in it's parking lot.

I looked up where they took the Rowe nuclear waste online and the records said it went by train through Pownal  and that was the end as far as I could find.

I had read they had once wanted to put it under The Dome.

I had told Lynne that in ~ 1984/85 and she asked me 'What is 'The Dome'' ?

She was sitting at the Sawyer library front desk as a work/study librarian with the big facade long picture window behind her so I pointed out the window to the mountain directly behind her and told her 'It's that mountain right there' (I was outraged).

She then told me she had learned nuclear energy was not feasible as a business.

Then I told her I learned The Dome was made from quartz and that quartz is where gold is found.

Then just a few weeks ago I found out from an old Berkshire Eagle article GE had built the entire Atlas Missile system up on a hill called Apple Tree Hill near Brodie and WD-40 was invented just for the Atlas Missile which was not painted to lower it's weight, so had to have the rust removed from it with a lubricant.

Another thing that made it lighter were solid state electronics (computer chips and wafer boards) that the Russians and Chinese did not have on their rockets, they still used vacuum tubes, making them much heavier and larger.

So the uranium 238 spent fuel rods can be turned into plutonium 239  in breeder reactors, creating their own nuclear fuel.

Nuclear warheads use both uranium and plutonium to create an atomic explosion.

Were they using the Rowe nuclear waste to build nuclear warheads too ?

since i don't worry anymore i don't get embarrassed very much so i at least i do not mind saying that i believe, at least from my p o v, part of third eye blind's 'semicharmed kind of life'  lyrics were about lynne as i had once woken up from a dream where i had been completely (my whole body) inside her vagina and it was one of the happiest memories of my life - not really sexual it was like i had once read of the greek perception of heaven - rose colored and extremely beautiful - cathy wore the little red shorts - i never saw her panties - she was catholic - but we once bundled together

it reads much better to say from my point of view i believe we wrote those lyrics, but personally, i know we really did write 'semi charmed kind of life' because i wanted really badly to call it 'sepia-toned kind of life' only i looked up sepia toned and it didn't mean what i thought it did, but i thought the dictionaries had it wrong, so i must have looked through 20 or 30 different dictionaries at 5 or 6 different libraries to find one that said sepia toned had color.

what i was seeing was a daguerrotype kind of life but that word didn't look right

in the end i crossed sepia toned out in the notebook and settled for semi-charmed

the same thing happened with 'what's the frequency, kenneth ?' i really wanted to use the word for the color flourescent green, but i couldn't remember it - i looked through a number of thesauruses trying to find chartruese but never did so we settled for ultra violet green, but it didn't look right and i was really angry at my home town at the time so we changed it to ultra-violent green

'After the flood all the colors came out...it was a beautiful day'

I hope Bono doesn't get mad and hit me with a car again, but when I recall writing 'In maze of her imagination', I was thinking of Lynne also.

laurie's post

mt greylock alumn (oops closed group)

ms righter was related to the hesses and she was probably the teacher that taught jessica park how to draw

martha coakley hired moira when she was mass attorney general and she also got kamala chosen as  biden's vp

her dad's partner's house was next door to #lynne11 s which is next door to kevin hess's who might have been rudolf hess's grandson (according to our mt greylock r h s chem teacher charlie derosa)

martha and richard helms were members of the gargoyle society at williams college

richard helms grandad was ceo of chase bank founded by the pittsfield, mass natives thompson family after it were taken over by the rockefellers and he destroyed the government's copies of the mk ultra files

the rockefellers also took over governor vanderbilt's (who owned the store at 5 corners in williamstown) penn central, who owned sprague electric, carol cable and general cable

- audio blog version

there was a wanted poster on the wall by jogging track above the basketball court

lassell gym

someone had been inside the women's locker room who didn't belong there

simularity coincidental

the forensic artist's drawing portrayed the perp flatteringly, but didn't convey the intoxicating adrenalyn rush of fear at being caught or the questing desperation in the eyes of the perp when he opened the door and crept in hearing the steaming hot showers cascading over the naked feminine bodies

hit the showers

free hugs !:

before he saw the wanted poster, he knew something had to change 


the awareness awoke that this path, while intoxicatingly perverse, was leading to a pointless, sordid end


it was time to change

so he changed, then tried to kill himself by hyperventilating after seeing her walk past morgan hall with her boyfriend's arm over her shoulder (don't try it - it felt like freezing to death)

there was a lithe, provocative shooting guard with temptress eyes who looked sort of like the sandy hook actress / victim's sister 

by the way, saw a woman who presumably worked at the mental health facility by the route 7 bridge in north charleston who looked exactly like carlee and if there is any truth to the false flag rumor she might have been involved because the psych facility is very close to joint base charleston which is also near a department of homeland security regional headquarters

they also became very upset when i took some photos with my phone and tried to order me to delete them

i did when they decided to ask instead, but the photo i wanted to show was the smoking area right next to a gas line fixture

was carlee at the charleston sc a m e church shooting ?


 the point guard appeared demure, hidden behind shadowed eyes in the flourescent glare from the haunted rafters of the gymnasium - what were her hidden secrets  


she had a strange jumpshot - both hands over the head but with spin

he had had a similar one, unblockable, but how to get spin had been beyond him

the secret was forward spin instead of back spin

what better to turn a miserable future into one of hope while reading about marius and cosette as the local wire factory workers near his house were on strike to keep from having their pay cut in half by reaganomics if not💘 love?

he decided to become obsessed

it can happen !

'According to an interview with Howard Stern, Joel had originally titled the song "Uptown Girls" and it was conceived on an occasion when he was surrounded by Christie Brinkley, Whitney Houston and his then girlfriend Elle Macpherson. According to numerous interviews with Joel, the song was initially written about his relationship with Macpherson, but it ended up also becoming about his soon to be wife, Brinkley (both women being two of the most famous supermodels of the 1980s).'
billy joel 'uptown girl'

she learned automobile maintenance from a williams college class williamstown residents could audit

then she said she studied astronomy at the venerable hopkins observatory

-a-audio blog version b

he wanted change and he got it - first he used his newfound obssesion to overcome his fear of deep water and learned how to swim at the college pool because he thought she would think less of him if he drowned because he didnt know how to swim

next he began plotting how to raise his gpa so she would think he was smarter than he was

then he started exercising to get his body into shape to try to get her to like him

then, since she had a work study job he thought she might like him if he got a afterschool job so he applied at england brothers and became an elevator operator after the previous elevator operator had been fired for bringing the large group of lovely female cashires and salespersons that would pack the elevator at night to a halt halfway between floors and then shutting the lights off

which he only fantasized about doing

while waiting for the courage to talk to her he investigated the rare book section where ms dalzell helped him find a very important book

one night he thought he saw her in the library basement study cubicles and after she left looked into the cubicle with fine stalker stealth and found a paper describing something as 'paretto inferior'

'The computer spit out what’s known as the power law, or the 80:20 rule. A famous concept in economics, the power law says no matter what economy you look at, almost everywhere, 20% of the people own 80% of the wealth. What's more, luck was the single greatest determinant in wealth acquisition.'

1 new york plaza new york ny 10004


poly prep and the perp

in ny on 9/11, she became managing director of institutional sales - new york of canaccord genuity incorporated, in april of 2011.  

 graduating williams college in 1985,  she had been offered a job with salomon brothers investment services, occupiers of wtc building 7 and inspiration for ' bon fires of the vanities '  

- after 18 years on wall st her husband decides to write a book about playing catch with his father when he was young then  with his own son after the wtc attack, which he wrote 'down-sized' his employer


- using a psychologist's and a dad's awareness of father son bonding, 

tells a heartwarming tale of the american pastime  

"Laricchia says she really found out what a great family she has at Poly when Super Storm Sandy hit in 2012 and devastated their home in Breezy Point, Queens. The Moroney family was out of their home for ten months. Poly alumni Harold Theurer ’75, P’13 and Lynne Theurer ’81, P’13 graciously opened their home to the Moroney family.  “We are forever grateful for the amount of love, support and guidance of the Poly community," Laricchia said. "


she once asked him what he wanted and the way he heard it sounded like a dismissal in a conversation between 3 people but in retrospect the question was valid

he really only had a plan to use her to make himself a better person with an electrostatic painfully pleasant emotion that led obsessive love created from the fear of, and longing just to talk to her

he used every bit of the emotion as a sort of emotional stick and carrot to improve himself, now realizing, exactly as gatsby had


either because of or in accordance with certain popular songs at the time, that love became an obsessive overwhelming force

so he rode his sister's old beat up once stolen and miraculously recovered bike down to battery park in 24 hrs watching 2 movies along the way, and because of a rusty kink in the chain fell off the bike on the trip possibly over 50 times and then stood purposely with his bike by the 4 way intersection street light near her house and waited for it to turn green even tho he could cross as the intersection was barren of motorists at that hour...

thinking of daisy buchanon's green light that would be lit all night at the end of her pier at which gatsby yearned for because it was hope and ceased its lovely meaning for him once his hope became reality

so i like to listen to 'fear and loathing in las vegas' to feel free enough to sleep and i thought what about the other novels that helped make my life richer and more meaningful and thought about gatsby once again, and found this tonight that made me weep  from the emotional energy after all these years because of that amazing power evoked at the description of the meeting between daisy and gatsby

and at the end, just before nick carroway wraps up the meaning of gatsby's view of daisy's green light, the liberty mutual commercial you've all seen of the 3 acapella singers comes on

the singer on the left is her son

there is more to it (the story) tho

way before 9/11 i was being attacked in my dreams and i'd wake up and the guy attacking me would get in an elevator and go up and i couldnt catch him 

there were 2  buildings with elevators he would go up in my mind

so one morning i knocked both buildings down in my mind

he was the one who stretched the figure of the person with a pale white face with no eyes, nose or mouth into an elongated person just like slenderman, well before 9/11

the figure was a galactic ranger, who were characters in a science fiction story i had just begun about the time i found the hypnotic trigger

i did not make them with no eyes nose or mouth

nor did i make them pale white

they chose to look like that because they didnt want people to know what they look like

but i asked them to show me what they looked like and they were human looking with faces with eyes noses and mouths

pioneer men's center


  stop by her son harold's fb and ask him what working with morgan freeman is like !                       

harold's instagram


- back to broadway

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