Sunday, September 13, 2020


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so when i was about 10 or 11 i had a crush on my sister's friend who was like 17 and i thought it would be harmless and nice if i went up and told her i liked her...but instead of smiling she frowned and said i had to meet her dad

so now i see that i was maybe some kind of a security risk because her dad was kurt lehovec who pioneered the computer chip, lithium batterysolar panel and l e d among other technologies

but at least i got to meet mr lehovec who seemed like a genuinely nice person, as was his daughter, who was really pretty (and apparently still is), AND she wore glasses which we now realize through science, drives men wild

that really adds some zing to your life when you're trying to write a great science fiction story

i remember wanting to go to u s c when i was in high school i thought because i always liked their marching band with the sunglasses and everything but i had forgotten when i was much older of my sister telling me sue had been accepted there

sue went to u s c and shortly after her dad moved to los angelas too and life went on

but try as i might i couldn't find sue online until this just now:

''Kurt Lehovec had a background in physics and material science. European-born, he passed his passion for the sciences onto his daughter Susan.

The two played chess together, and the conversations often turned to the sciences.

Susan, who eventually became Susan Maher, found the conversations engaging. After all, it stirred her curiosity in understanding how things worked...'

read more at horiba

kurt lehovec wiki

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