Thursday, January 5, 2017

ada & osha inspired by...

" Term limits for Congress were proposed by Cruz and several other Republican s! " - Elizabeth Melson

they wanted teddy kennedy out ( drafted the americans with disabilities act + osha republicans opposed )

check repub sen. susan collin s pledge to only serve two terms during the term limit rage ( this is her third term )

" capitol crawl " ada march up the u s capitol steps :

" Untold Story of Rosemary Kennedy and Her Disastrous Lobotomy "

before now senator Tammy Duckworth became a house rep the u s capitol wasn't ada accessible ?

  • The office suite was being prepared for Member-Elect Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, a veteran of the Iraq War, who in 2004 lost both legs and part of the use of her right arm when the helicopter she was piloting was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. Kevin Hildebrand, head of the Architecture Branch, met with Duckworth when she was in Washington, D.C. last fall for new member orientation. "She was such a gracious person," he said, noting that she requested that the entire office suite be made ADA accessible, not just her personal office, since she anticipates many visits from wounded veterans. "We had to be diligent in ensuring that everything met ADA requirements."" 

now do you see why I don't hate Democrats ?

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