Sunday, March 19, 2017

Nadia 10.00

Was America s pedophile problem created by 14 year old Nadia Comaneci winning the 1976 Olympic gold medal in gymnastics ?

3 Years before Bo Derek s famous movie Omega asked the Montreal Olympic Games gymnastic officials if they should install a 3 digit or 4 digit scoreboard but since no one had ever scored one  ...


...The scorer s did not believe a perfect 10.00 was possible in women s gymnastics

Her story continued to capture the imagination of America and the world as she would risk a daring escape from iron curtain hidden Romania to the land of if not opportunity at least hot sweaty roofers, namely Hollywood,  Florida deep south USA

After enduring American style captivity and reported beatings in her new homeland she found a new life with a new hope  

Today finds her helping with her new husband Brad s gymnastic organization and enjoying time with their son and their work with the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation and the Special Olympics to bring gymnastics to the forefront of the world stage once again

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