Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Glamorgan girls



Btw King Arthur s quest for the Holy Grail legend began in wales

the wooden holy grail is reportedly to be found in glamorgan, wales and the ark of the covenant is possibly in axum, ethiopia

Sign these may be end times ?

So Susan Sarandon s family is from Peg Entwistle's Glamorgan, Wales and Susan is portraying Bette Davis in  FX s 'Feud' while Bette was inspired to join the theater because of Peg Entwistle's performance in Henrick Isben s " The Wild Duck" ?

'Davis is a patronymic surname originating in Wales that means "son of David".[2]'

- Davis Surname Wiki

'In 2006, Susan began the task of tracing her Welsh roots, documented on television for an episode of BBC Wales' Coming Home. The journey took her from the south-west of England to Glamorgan in South Wales, where she discovered a great great uncle had worked in a Welsh-owned ironworks in the Ukraine.'

" Born in New York in 1946, the actress is the eldest of nine children and has always been fascinated by her family’s history. Her intrigue stems from her father’s surname, Tomalin, which derives from the Welsh surname Thomas, and also her mother’s maiden name Criscione, which is of Italian descent. "

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